Frequently asked questions

General FAQ

Royalties are the sums being paid to songwriters, producers, performing artists and musicians when their music is being played.

If you upload content that uses our music to YouTube without having an active subscription or lifetime license, we’ll reach out to you with a claim. This is because we own the rights to our music, giving us the right to claim any ad revenue that is generated by content featuring our music. This might sound scary, but don't worry. A claim from us doesn’t mean that your content will be taken down, muted or blocked. We’re simply making a request for any ad revenues generated so that we can keep paying our artists to create even more great music.

No, to be able to monetize your videos you need to have active subscription, or lifetime license for particular track.

No, you cannot. This is not allowed.

No, our music is not royalty-free. To use our tracks legally in your projects, you will need to purchase a license. This ensures that you have the necessary rights and permissions for commercial use. You wont be able to monetize your content if you don't have a license.

Our subscriptions

Find the right music for your video project

save 10%,

lifetime personal

Limited time offer



Unlimited duration of subscription
Publish anywhere online
Monetize 1 channel per platform
Unlimited downloads
Online support


*Billed annually ($0.00)




Publish anywhere online
Monetize 1 channel per platform
Unlimited downloads
Online support


*Billed annually ($0.00)




Everything in Personal, plus:
Monetize 3 channels per platform
Publish content for clients and businesses
Unlimited use in digital ads


*Billed annually ($0.00)




Everything in Commercial, plus:
All rights covered for TV shows and ads
Customer Success manager and music curation
Customized deal terms